Posted on January 14, 2019
Today, on the 14th, the applications begins for the artistic occupation of Cine-Theatro Central from April 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020. The public notice establishes 60 public call schedules, 15 for the project “Luz da Terra” and other 45 dates to meet spontaneous demand on the same period.
Both the Public Call and the Spontaneous Demand are aimed for adult theater, children’s theater, dance, music, conferences, lectures, graduations and related events.
The 15 vacancies for the project “Luz da Terra” will be occupied by a separate selection, taking into account the project’s own public notice, which is being launched concurrently with the Public Notice for Artistic Occupation, following the same schedule of registration, evaluation, partial result, final result.
This project is exclusively focused on local production at popular prices. If the project vacancies are not occupied, they will be directed to the modality of spontaneous demand. To compete for this project, interested parties must prove their residence in the city for at least 3 years.
The occupation of the space via public notice aims to give transparency to the process and make democratic the access of producers and artists to the oldest theater in the city.
The projects of occupation of the Central can be registered both by legal entities (theatrical producers, class associations, entities, groups of artists in theater, among others), as well as by individuals.
Entries must be made by February 14, in person, from Tuesday to Friday, from 9am to 12am and from 2pm to 5pm, or the documents must be delivered by mail (exclusively via SEDEX), in sealed envelope until the deadline.
The list of documents for registration includes: the proposal registration forms duly completed by typing; identification documents and documents attesting to the tenderer as representative of the interested group, among others (check complete list in the announcement).
The result of the selection of projects will be announced on February 20, with the possibility of requesting an appeal until February 27. The final result will be announced on March 1st.
Both the public notice and the application form are available on the pages of the Cine-Theatro Central, the Pro-rectory of Culture and the UFJF.
Requirements Demanded
The registered projects will pass at a screening process, in which the presentation of the necessary information and documentation will be verified. The projects classified in this phase will then be evaluated by the Directing Council of Cine-Theatro Central, which will judge them based on four requirements: merit (originality, creativity and innovation in concepts and / or execution); feasibility; cultural relevance (recognition of important cultural values resulted from the proposal); and diversity (coverage of diverse areas in the project). Each of them can receive up to 25 points. The Call also establishes tiebreaking requirements.
Other information
Cine-Theatro Central – +55 32 3231-4051 or by e-mail cinetheatrocentral@ufjf.edu.br
Applications for the public notice of occupation of Cine-Theatro Central in 2019
Registration: from January 14 to February 14
Presence: from Tuesday to Friday, from 9am to 12am and from 2pm to 5pm or via Sedex, delivered within those periods
Partial result: February 20
Appeal: until February 27
Final Result: March 1
Location: Cine-Theatro Central – João Pessoa Square – Downtown